Friday 26th of April 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes b

The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes b
The Imam is the leader and example „from whose intellectual power and insight, those traveling toward God benefit, whose conduct and mode of life they imitate, and to whose commands they submit.” In a very large and comprehensive sense, Imamate includes both intellectual authority and political leadership.„After the death of the Prophet, the Imam was entrusted with the guardianship of his accomplishments and the continuation of his ...

Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?

Who was Al-Mahdi's (as) mother?
The most frequently used name for Al-Mahdi's (as) mother is Nardjis. She was from the Roman Empire, the most powerful European state of that time. Muslims defeated her father and she was taken as a prisoner of war. The Imam of that time was Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as). Nardjis had seen Fatima (as) in a dream and embraced Islam, and later she married Imam Hassan Al-'Askari (as) and gave birth to Al-Mahdi ...

The Existence of the Mahdi is Certain

The Existence of the Mahdi is Certain
There are numerous Prophetic traditions about the Mahdi, reported by both the Sunni and the Shi'i sources. Close examination of the contents of these traditions proves that the subject of the future coming of the Mahdi and the Qa'im was a well established tenet during the Prophet's life time. People anticipated someone who would take upon himself to establish truth and spread the worship of God. Moreover, they expected that person to take charge ...

The Day of Final Victory

The Day of Final Victory
A fact concealed in the belief in divine monotheism (Tawheed) is that none, except Allah, has the right to rule over others. Even a father does not enjoy any sovereignty over his children. When a father does not possess this right, the question of other individuals ruling over their fellow beings, commanding and prohibiting, appointing them to a position or removing them from it, does not arise. To the extent that man does not have any right ...

Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine

Terminology of the Mahdiism Doctrine
Some religious or philosophical concepts are pivotal, and are interpreted in a particular way as Doctrine. For instance, 'Dukkha' ("Suffering" or "sorrow") in Buddhism is so important that is called 'the Doctrine of Dukkha or the Doctrine of Buddha'; or 'Maya' ("imaginary world") is a fundamental concept in Hindu phi¬losophy, which construes as 'the Doctrine of Maya'.6 Mahdiism is one of the tenets, which is of high significance in Islam. It ...

Speaking about Justice as the main task of Al-Mahdi (as), how should man define justice in the Islamic conceptualization? How should it be reflected from different angles?

Speaking about Justice as the main task of Al-Mahdi (as), how should man define justice in the Islamic conceptualization? How should it be reflected from different angles?
Justice is an abstract concept that eludes clear definition. In this way it is like many other concepts, such as liberty and freedom, whose meaning remains fluid and difficult to grasp. Our aim here is to present a definition of justice that moves beyond familiar social contract theories as found in Locke, Rousseau, and Kant, and other classical theories of political and religious thought. In the place of such theories, we seek to establish an ...

Birth of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Ahle Sunnah Viewpoint

Birth of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the Ahle Sunnah Viewpoint
A number of traditions have been narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) of Islam and the truthful Imams of Ahle-bayt (a.s.), regarding the uprising of Qaem-al-Mahdi towards the end of this world and his overthrowing the unjust and tyrant rulers and filling the earth with justice and fair play.Hence the unjust Abbasi caliphs were very much afraid of the uprising of Qaem al Mahdi, They utilized their entire resources to finish him. Ten years ...

Imam Mahdi (ATFS)

Imam Mahdi (ATFS)
Imam Mahdi (ATFS)   Imam Mehdi (AS)- Life History     Name and Lineage   His name is exactly like that of his forefather, the Prophet of God, Muhammad (SAW) whom he is known to resemble exactly in facial features as well. His mother was Narjis Khatoon, the granddaughter of the Caesar, the Roman emperor, and a descendant of Shamaoon, the vicegerent of Hazrat Isa' (Prophet Jesus). On ...

The signs before reappearance of al-Mahdi (A.S)

The signs before reappearance of al-Mahdi (A.S)
The signs before reappearance of al-Mahdi (AS) There are many traditions narrated by all Islamic schools where the Apostle of Allah (PBUH&HF) has portrayed the events just prior to the uprising of al-Mahdi (AS). The Shi'ite traditions that have been narrated from the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and the Imams of Ahl al-Bait (AS) provide much more details for the events that are supposed to take place before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (AS). ...

t of Nahiya - To the Immortal Heroes of Kerbala

t of Nahiya - To the Immortal Heroes of Kerbala
  One of the most important sources of the names of these heroes and martyrs is a Ziyarat, taught by the Twelfth Imam (A), known as Ziyarat of Nahiya, which has been copied by all the great authorities in their reliable books. The Ziyarat of Nahiya, as it has come down to us, omits certain names of martyrs, although they are well known for their participation in the holy struggle at Kerbala. This omission may be due to some lapse in memory on ...

The Major Occultation and Our Responsibilities

The Major Occultation and Our Responsibilities
The Major Occultation and Our Responsibilities The series of divine messengership that commenced from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) till the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.a.), was completed on the 28th Safar, 11 A.H. Thereafter, the chain of prophethood was replaced with that of Imamat that was openly announced in Ghadeer-e-Khumm. Where the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) handed over the Islamic Ummah to Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.), marking ...

The political dimension of religion in shiism

The political dimension of religion in shiism
The political dimension of religion in shiism   "Religion is equivalent to a complex of rules, which together with the essence and the moral substance, essays to correlate the acts of government with ideas of divine inspiration, to answer all needs in the political and the development of social life sphere."According to Muslim religion, the religious rule stands for the vital duty to aspire to Good and to avoid Evil, aspect which involves ...

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.t.f.s.)
Allah’s mercy is infinite. None else is more gracious than the Almighty to His creatures. Even the vast love of a mother for her child is just a minor ray of endless love which the Creator has for His creatures. When a mother can never see her offspring in any trouble, then how can the immense mercy of Allah see His creatures punished in Hell?The Best CreationAllah created man as his best creation. He made man the most balanced and granted ...

The Special Deputies

The Special Deputies
Imam appointed Othman Ibn-e Sa'eed Omary as his deputy for a while. He was from his paternal tribe and was the reliable person to him. Imam through him answered the shi'ites questions. After Othman Ibn-e Sa'eed, his son Mohammad Ibn-e Othman Omary was appointed as Imam's deputy. When he passed away, Abul Qasim Hossein Ibn-e Ruh Nobakhti was Imam's special deputy, and after him, Ali Ibn_e Mohammad Samary was Imam's deputy. Some days before ...

Mahdism is the Seal of Historic Messianism

Mahdism is the Seal of Historic Messianism
Mahdism is the Seal of Historic Messianism  Man’s History will be reviewed from a religious point of view. How the humans could come up with magnificent material achievements yet miserably fail to establish equitable co-existence and social justice. Pharaoh’s reign and the like will be cited from the recorded history. How Moses, supported by his Vicegerent Aaron, unsuccessfully admonished the tyrant king of his time. The Jews anticipated ...

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic

A sublime man will come and save humanity from oppression, injustic
And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention [in the Torah] that the Earth is inherited by My righteous servants.” (Holy Quran: 21, 105)Witnessing that the aggressors of the world plunder and violate the rights of people, humanity should not think that this is the fate of the world, should not think that there is no way out and one should surrender. No, humanity should realize that this is a transitional ...

Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims in the Western Mass Media: An Obstacle to the Movement of al-Imam al-Mahdi that Must be Confronted

Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims in the Western Mass Media: An Obstacle to the Movement of al-Imam al-Mahdi that Must be Confronted
   Stereotyping of the "other" is still alive and well in America. The portrayal of Arabs and Muslims in both movies as well as the news is highly influenced by pro-Israeli interests. The portrayal is meant to shock at times and other times to subtly manipulate the masses into supporting Israeli and American policy and taking a stand against its opponents. The bias has been seen many times in American coverage of the Middle East but was ...


THE PERFECT LEVEL OF FAITH [IMAN]. Nafe reported from Ibn Amr that the Holy Prophet stated;” faith of a believer is not complete unless he possesses five qualities namely; [a] Reliance upon God [b] Committing all affairs to God [c] Resigning to his faith [d] Accepting God’s degree and judgment [e] Shows forbearance when God tests him.”   If friendship and hostility, giving and withholding are exercised in the way of God, faith of ...


SAVIOURFor such an expectation it is necessary to have an exact knowledge of the promised figure. So that we could not mistake him with the dolls of the puppet-shows of the powers that sing a new song every day in order to break up and destroy the wonderful epic of expectation, nor could the extravagant talks of ignorant and self-interested people cover up this matter with a veil of superstitions, and thus change our hope into despair, and our ...

The Mahdism Utopia

The Mahdism Utopia
The Mahdism Utopia   By the Will of All-h (SWT) and the assistance of the Master of the Time (may All-h (SWT) hasten his appearance); we will study the global state of the political and economic state of affairs and the social trends in culture and communities. This will be compared to the utopist environment of the government of the Awaited Imam (AS). Since the departure of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAWW), the Muslim Ummah has ...