Monday 3rd of June 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

US Warship Shooed Away by Iranian Destroyer in Gulf of Aden

US Warship Shooed Away by Iranian Destroyer in Gulf of Aden
According to a report released by Iranian TV's news agency, 2 US reconnaissance planes named P3C (Papa 3 Charlie) and US Navy destroyer, DDG81, approached several Iranian warships in a provocative move, ignoring the internationally set 5-mile standard distance from Iran's 34th fleet of warships deployed in the Gulf of Aden on Monday. The US Navy vessel and planes then received a warning from Iranian Destroyer 'Alborz', and rapidly changed ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: " contemplating for one hour is better than seventy years of worship"

Professor Hussein Ansarian: " contemplating for one hour is better than seventy years of worship"
Intellection and contemplation are so much vital that in a narration the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: " contemplating for one hour is better than seventy years of worship", comprehending such truth may be difficult for some people, they may ask how is it possible that one hour of contemplation is considered better than seventy years of worship? But a little contemplation and thinking will lead one to fathom out this ...

Bahrain continue to target medical professionals: Dr. AlSamahiji’s prison sentence upheld

Bahrain continue to target medical professionals: Dr. AlSamahiji’s prison sentence upheld
On September 7th, 2016, Bahrain’s appeals court upheld a one year prison sentence issued against Dr. Said AlSamahiji, after charging him with “insulting a neighboring country”.Sixty-three-year-old Dr. AlSamahiji is an ophthalmologist. Bahraini authorities have been targeting medical professionals, including Dr. AlSamahiji, since the beginning of the Bahraini people’s demands in democratic transformation in 2011, and this ...

Photos/ professor Ansarian’s lecture in Husseinieh of Niavaran

Photos/ professor Ansarian’s lecture in Husseinieh of Niavaran

Quran Desecration in Contrast With Jesus Christ

Quran Desecration in Contrast With Jesus Christ
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - ABNA - The act of Quran burning by some extremists and naming a day by a so-called pastor as the international Quran burning day are above all considered as treating Jesus Christ with disrespect. Said shia Intellectual and the Imam of Mahfel Zaynab Islamic center in the French town of Keurnou, Mousa Abd-ul-Momen. “It is regrettable that a group claiming to be monotheist desecrated the Quran. Since the names of Jesus ...

ISIL beaheds two women for the first time in Syria accused them using 'magic for medicine'

ISIL beaheds two women for the first time in Syria accused them using 'magic for medicine'
AhlulBayt News Agency - The barbarian ISIL terror group has beheaded two women and their husbands in eastern Syria's Deir Ezzor province, a monitoring group said.The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in UK said on Tuesday that ISIL beheaded the couples after accusing them of using "magic for medicine".It is not known what non-traditional health remedy the two couples had sought. "It is the first time that the beheading of ...

More than 500 non-Iranian students participated in the international Quran and Hadith Olympic of Holy Mashad

More than 500 non-Iranian students participated in the international Quran and Hadith Olympic of Holy Mashad
Mujtaba Muhajir, the head of Quran and Hadith section of Al-Mustafa international university, after closing ceremony of this Olympic, while conversation with the reporter of Shabestan pointed towards the participation of more than 500 non-Iranian students in this event & said that, the Olympic of Quran and Hadith has taken place in three parts in the premier education center of Al-Mustafa international university. He added that eleven recitors, ...

Israel forces Palestinian family to leave Jerusalem

Israel forces Palestinian family to leave Jerusalem
Israeli authorities have reportedly denied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) residency to the five family members of a Palestinian youth shot dead recently in an alleged attack against Israeli officers. Muhammad Mahmoud, a lawyer for the Palestinian prisoners’ rights group, Addameer, said the family members of 21-year-old Fouad Abu Rajab Tamimi were summoned to al-Maskobiya police station in al-Quds on Thursday, and deported to the West Bank on ...

98 Percent of Iranian Hajjis Arrive in Saudi Arabia

98 Percent of Iranian Hajjis Arrive in Saudi Arabia
-- Some 64,000 Iranian Hajj pilgrims (98 percent of the total number of Hajjis) have arrived in Saudi Arabia to undertake the Major Hajj and pay visit to resting place of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and members of his Household buried in Medina. 529 Iranian Hajjis will join the rest of Hajj pilgrims today through 4 Hajj tour operators. With 122 other Iranian Hajj travelers setting foot on Saudi soil, within the next two days the arrivals of ...

Seminar Discusses Religious Views on Medical Issues

Seminar Discusses Religious Views on Medical Issues
-- Views of Islam and Christianity on contemporary medical issues were discussed in a scientific seminar Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo, SANA reported. It was organized by Aleppo’s cultural department in cooperation with the city’s dentists society. A number of religious and political figures including grand Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun and Syria’s Culture Minister as well as doctors and medical experts attended the ...

Muharram 2015: Muslims to mark Islamic New Year this week

Muharram 2015: Muslims to mark Islamic New Year this week
Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar, will begin this week as Muslims observe the Islamic New Year most likely on 15 October, depending on the moon sighting. Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar, will begin this week as Muslims observe the Islamic New Year most likely on 15 October, depending on the moon sighting.  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has declared a public holiday on 15 October for the Islamic new year, ...

Ayatollah Hadavi's Message over Massacre of Shia Worshipers in Kuwait

Ayatollah Hadavi's Message over Massacre of Shia Worshipers in Kuwait
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani, a member of the Supreme Council of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) World Assembly, issued a message over a suicide attack on the mosque of Imam Sadiq (AS) in Kuwait, which led to the martyrdom of 26 fasting worshipers and the injury of more than 200 people. The full text of the message is as follows: In the Name of God the Gracious and Merciful Once again those American and English hands were emerged from ...

Shia mosque demolition triggers mass protests

Shia mosque demolition triggers mass protests
Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in the Azeri capital of Baku in masse to protest a bid which allows the demolition of an iconic Shia mosque.     The protests took place after Baku's Second Economic Court, in what is widely believed to be a politicized verdict, ordered the Fatemeh Zahra Mosque in Baku to be razed. To break up the demonstrations, police and security forces attacked the protesters with ...

Pakistan's QWP leader to raise MWM's voice at national and provincial assembly / Photos

Pakistan's QWP leader to raise MWM's voice at national and provincial assembly / Photos

Quran Memorizers Honored in Northern Afghanistan

Quran Memorizers Honored in Northern Afghanistan
14 Quran memorizers in Tala and Barfak city in Afghanistan’s Baghlan Province were honored in a ceremony held yesterday. Number of religious scholars and Quran teachers were present at the ceremony in the city’s Jamia Islamia School. Speaking at the event, Mustafa Sadiqi, one of the school’s managers, said, “We are very grateful that in such a remote region of the country we have so many individuals who have learnt ...

Ayatollah Sistani Expresses Solidarity with Bahrain’s Sheikh Issa Qassem

Ayatollah Sistani Expresses Solidarity with Bahrain’s Sheikh Issa Qassem
Top Iraqi reference, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani expressed solidarity with Sheikh Issa al-Qassem, after Bahraini regime stripped the leading Shia cleric of citizenship.  In a phone call, Ayatollah Sistani praised Sheikh Qassem praised efforts by Sheikh Qassem in defending Bahraini people’s rights through peaceful means. "Your place is in our heart," Ayatollah Sistani told Sheikh Qassem, stressing that revoking his nationality "won't ...

The blessings which abound in Ramadhan month

The blessings which abound in Ramadhan month

لوْ یَعْلَمُ الْعَبْدُ مَا فِی رَمَضَانَ لَوَدَّ أَنْ یَکُونَ رَمَضَانُ السَّنَه

The Messenger of Islam (saw) states: if people really knew the blessings which abound in Ramadhan month, they would wish that Ramadhan would continue all year.

Bihar Al-Anwar, Volume 93, page 346

Rights Body Urges Release of Sheikh Salman

Rights Body Urges Release of Sheikh Salman
An international human rights organization called on the US administration to press the Bahraini regime over the immediate release of Sheikh Ali Salman, secretary general of Bahrain’s main opposition bloc, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society. “The Bahraini authorities have a chance on Monday to reverse Sheikh Salman’s alarming conviction. His imprisonment contradicts promises of reform and makes an inclusive political ...

Top Quran reciters and memorizers from 75 countries to attend Iran’s int’l Quran contest

Top Quran reciters and memorizers from 75 countries to attend Iran’s int’l Quran contest
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Top Quran reciters and memorizers from 75 countries will take part in the 32nd International Holy Quran Competition of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Hojat-ol-Islam Ahmad Sharafkhani, the cultural and social deputy of Iran’s Awqaf and Charity Affairs Organization, made the announcement, adding that the international event will kick off this Friday at the Summit Conference Hall in Tehran, IRIB news reported.The ...

Ugandan Shiite Leader 'Sheikh Abdul Qadir Muwaya' Laid to Rest

Ugandan Shiite Leader 'Sheikh Abdul Qadir Muwaya' Laid to Rest
Ugandans turned out in tens of thousands in Mayuge district yesterday to bury Sheikh Abdul Qadir Muwaya (Daktoor) who was shot dead Thursday night. Ugandans turned out in tens of thousands in Mayuge district yesterday to bury Sheikh Abdul Qadir Muwaya (Daktoor) who was shot dead Thursday night. The burial was attended by many government officials including the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, State minister for Foreign Affairs, Asuman ...