Sunday 2nd of June 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Four Shia men laid to rest in Karachi

Four Shia men laid to rest in Karachi
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), KARACHI, Pakistan -- Protest were reported in various areas of the city on Sunday during the funeral processions of four members of the Shia community - two men martyred on Saturday and two victims of the Ashura blast. According to details, the funeral prayer of Hammad Hussain, 21, who was gunned down on Saturday in the Rizvia police precincts, was offered at the Rizvia Imambargah with two victims of the ...

Laying Yemen to waste - How Saudi Arabia is engineering the disappearance of democracy in Arabia

Laying Yemen to waste - How Saudi Arabia is engineering the disappearance of democracy in Arabia
By Catherine ShakdamWhile Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the United States, Adel Al Jubeir might have, back in March 2015, argued that Riyadh's war in Yemen was " a war of necessity", a just cause to be fought in the name of the greater good, the ravages caused are speaking a different truth.Despite Riyadh's best efforts, and in view of Saudi officials' campaign to buy news outlets' silence over Yemen, world media  have been unable to keep ...

The state parliament of Lower Saxony has sworn in Ayguel Oezkan as minister of social affairs for the northern state, making her the first female Muslim minister in Germany.

The state parliament of Lower Saxony has sworn in Ayguel Oezkan as minister of social affairs for the northern state, making her the first female Muslim minister in Germany.
The 38-year-old, who is a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), was born in Hamburg to Turkish immigrants.  She was the party's economic policy spokeswoman for the regional parliamentary group in Hamburg before being appointed as the first Muslim woman in Germany to be elected to a ministerial post on the state level, Deutsche Welle reported.  Earlier this month, Christian Wulff called her ...

Short filmfest names ‘World of Islam’ theme

Short filmfest names ‘World of Islam’ theme
According to the Iranian Young Cinema Society, this year’s World of Islam section of international the competition will focus on themes such as justice, rightness, human perfection and the role of religions in life. The winners of this section will be honored with the festival’s statuette and cash prize of 3000 euros. This year’s event will be held at the same in the Iranian capital of Tehran and some other provinces, the deputy head of ...

Muslims sit down to a meal with homeless

 Muslims sit down to a meal with homeless
For Rotorua's Muslim community Ramadan is a time to share and what better way to do that than by sharing a meal with the city's homeless. Members of the community prepared food for those in need at Love Soup Rotorua this week before eating together to show "they [homeless] were not invisible". Shiffa Harunani said Muslims were coming to the end of Ramadan, a religious month where they fasted from sunrise to sunset. They tried to fast with both ...

The “Quran Exhibition in its 1,400th Year” to be Held in Istanbul

 The “Quran Exhibition in its 1,400th Year” to be Held in Istanbul
The “Quran Exhibition in its 1,400th Year” will reveal unique, rare pieces of the 250,000-page Damascus documents collection. A large selection of handwritten Qurans normally held in the inventory of the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art will be displayed for art lovers for the first time as part of the exhibition. Antik A.Ş. and a team of experts from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art have prepared the exhibition, which is curated by ...

Moroccans reject fanatical Saudi Imam 'Mohamed Al-Arifi' due to his calls for jihad against the Shia Muslims & supporting ISIL

Moroccans reject fanatical Saudi Imam 'Mohamed Al-Arifi' due to his calls for jihad against the Shia Muslims & supporting ISIL
Saudi Sheikh Mohamed Al-Arifi announced on his Facebook page, that he decided to postpone his upcoming lecture in Morocco, scheduled for October 25 in Rabat. The annulation came apparently after a massive wave of critics by Moroccan intellectuals to the invitation addressed to Arifi by a Moroccan association. According to many posted views and opinion, the controversial Saudi Sheikh was unwelcome because of his fanatical worldview and his ...

Clash of Mideast Titans: Certain geopolitical shift in uncertain times

Clash of Mideast Titans: Certain geopolitical shift in uncertain times
In between Russia’s military intervention in Syria and Iran’s challenging of Saudi Arabia’s hegemonic power in the Middle East, the region is witnessing unprecedented political frictions. Those growing pains will ultimately see manifest a new order – which one remains to be determined. If the Middle East has long been a festering ground for political unrest, ethnic friction and sectarian tension, arguably the direct ...

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

وأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ

and that everyone will have in his account only that which he endeavored for

Surah An Najm- verse 39

professor Ansarian: The position of girls and women are forgotten in the society due to avoiding the Holy Quran.

professor Ansarian: The position of girls and women are forgotten in the society due to avoiding the Holy Quran.

Massive food waste seen at Ramadan iftars in Saudi Arabia

Massive food waste seen at Ramadan iftars in Saudi Arabia
Some people believe so much food is wasted at these mass iftars while others dismiss such apprehensions and call for organizing even bigger iftar projects. Journalist Ayman Al-Ghabawee said one iftar meal costs a minimum of SR10. If a city has 150,000 people who join these parties, the cost of providing them the meals will hit SR1.5 million a day or SR45 million the whole month, said Al-Ghabawee. “We have poor and sick people who are in ...

British soldier leaves his military unit to join Peshmerga

British soldier leaves his military unit to join Peshmerga
A serving British soldier who left his army base to join Kurdish fighters battling against Isis has been found and is being returned to his unit, according to the Defence Secretary. The unidentified solider, understood to be 19-years-old, left his base after telling his family he was joining Kurdish peshmerga fighters in their battle against the extremist group, saying: "these guys need our help." Speaking during the regular Commons defence ...

Some Martyrs and Injured in Car Bomb Blast Near Sayyidah Zaynab's Holy Shrine

Some Martyrs and Injured in Car Bomb Blast Near Sayyidah Zaynab's Holy Shrine

One explosive laden vehicle which security forces try to stop it, exploded in the entrance and security check point of Sayyidah Zaynab shrine on the outskirts of Damascus.

One explosive laden vehicle which security forces try to stop it, exploded in the entrance and security check point of Sayyidah Zaynab shrine on the outskirts of Damascus.

In car bomb blast near Sayyidah Zaynab some Martyred and Injured.


Completion Of "The City of Pilgrims"

Completion Of
The Architectural and Design cadre of the Khayrat Es-Sibtain Company completed 95% of "The City of Pilgrims" Project on the road between Karbala and Najaf. This establishment is dedicated towards hosting and providing high quality services for the pilgrims who arrive at the city of Karbala to make pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). The "Pilgrims City" consists of 8 large sleeping rooms furnished and equipped with the necessary ...

Zeenat Zakzaky writes open letter to Buhari

Zeenat Zakzaky writes open letter to Buhari
A frontline social commentator, Dr Peregrino Brimah, has written an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari on behalf of Zeenat Zakzaky. Dear President Muhammadu Buhari, as administrator of Nigeria who Allah(s) has charged with the responsibility of serving justice to 180 million people, you are yet to probe the Jonathan government for this massacre that Governor Nasir el-Rufai verified their guilt in. And while we waited for you to ...

Hujjat al-Islam Akhtari: ISIL, Zionists seek to have Palestinian issue sidelined

Hujjat al-Islam Akhtari: ISIL, Zionists seek to have Palestinian issue sidelined
A senior pro-unity activist in Iran says the ISIL terror group has been promoted and supported by the western states in a bid to sideline the Palestinian issue and to undermine the regional resistance against the Zionist regime. The Iranian personality also said the Arab states once sought to present the Palestinian issue as a solely Arab issue however the late father of the Islamic evolution, Imam Khomeini countered the false idea and invited ...

The honoring ceremony held for the half century efforts of Professor Ansarian in the thirty fourth Quranic Competition+ photos

The honoring ceremony held for the half century efforts of Professor Ansarian in the thirty fourth Quranic Competition+ photos
According to the Department of Media and Public Relations of Daralrfan Institute, honoring of prefossor Ansarian was one of the first program of the thirty fourth Quranic competition. In this competition, professor Ansarian,s half century efforts and trying in the field of the Holy Quran was ...

Al Quds Day 2016 – Pushing back against tyranny

Al Quds Day 2016 – Pushing back against tyranny
Held every year on the last day of Ramadan – as to link the sanctity of the fast with Muslims’ duty to speak Truth in the face of Deceit, Al-Quds Day was founded by the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini; both a rallying cry of solidarity, and a sign of hope. It is Imam Hussain who said: “It is better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.”   Through Al-Quds Day it is once ...

Ammar al-Hakim: Tikrit to be cemetery for terrorists

Ammar al-Hakim: Tikrit to be cemetery for terrorists
The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, assured that Tikrit city be a cemetery for terrorists affiliated to what is so called the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Hakim visited Alam district and get acquainted on the situation of the security forces there where he assured that Tikrit will be a cemetery for terrorists and a start point to liberate ...

Hijab Software Released In Iran

Hijab Software Released In Iran
--A software collection on Hijab or Islamic veil came out in Iran."Lebas-e-Farda" (garment of tomorrow), is a cultural and educational product jointly developed by Hadith Mehr Institute, Tabriz University and Cultural Department of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in four CDs. Each CD contains a software program on Hijab that are titled "Electronic Library", "Photo Gallery", Audio Clips" and "Digital Nudity".   The Electronic ...