Thursday 25th of April 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The one who loves God Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The one who loves God Almighty

In the eyes of the messenger of God Almighty, the one who loves God fully pays attention to his beloved one, not worldly stuff. If he has Halal income, he will consume it and help people according to the narrations and the verses of the Holy Quran.


Sins Imam as-Sadiq (s), in a wonderful article as a “letter of repentance”, talked about the sins that must be repented of promptly as a moral and legal obligation; the sins that if had not been repaired by true repentance, they would not be removed or omitted from the book of the soul and heart and they would trouble man’s life in this world and subject him to the Divine torment on the Day of Resurrection. Imam as-Sadiq (s) said, ‘O ...

Spending life wisely

Spending life wisely
Human beings need Knowledge, science, wisdom and insight so as to spend their life wisely and in a right way. They must know and be aware that when, how and in what way they should spend the wealth of life. Allah Almighty has insisted on the issues of Knowledge, wisdom and insight in the holy Qur,an, as well as the traditions of the holy Prophet PBUH and the infallible Imams and even realization and understanding of the holy Quran is related to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the best and true benchmark and criterion

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the best and true benchmark and criterion

The Holy Prophet of Islam is the best and true benchmark and criterion for faith, morality and behavior.  

professor Ansarian: The growth of human is what Allah Almighty wants

professor Ansarian: The growth of human is what Allah Almighty wants
» كِتابٌ أَنْزَلْناهُ إِلَيْكَ لِتُخْرِجَ النَّاسَ مِنَ الظُّلُماتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ إِلى صِراطِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ« In other words, me (Allah), the holy Quran and my prophet want to nurture you and take you out of the darkness of ignorance, injustice, oppression, materialism, and misguided ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The key to the pathway toward sublime and divine positions

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The key to the pathway toward sublime and divine positions

The key to the pathway toward sublime and divine positions is to try for the purification of our souls. Realizing the divine positions is impossible unless human being achieves the divine morals inwardly and gets rid of the moral vices and humanity's soul is purified and cleansed from evils.  

Professor Ansarian: The forgotten task of the believers

Professor Ansarian: The forgotten task of the believers

One of the forgotten tasks of the believers toward each other is overlooking one another’s errors and faults. Imam Baqir (as) says. The right of the believers on one another is to cover up to seventy great sins of one another.

Al-Kafi: 165/2

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Praying to God for having a daughter

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Praying to God for having a daughter

If someone is deprived of having a daughter, it is a recommended act to sincerely and wholeheartedly pray to Almighty God to grant him a daughter.

Professor Ansarian:The lucrative eternal business

Professor Ansarian:The lucrative eternal business
The first way: the first way was the one in which the blessing of lifetime is spent as lucrative and eternal business and the second way is the one in which this blessing is spent as heavy and irreversible damage. Source: The value of life and the way of its spending. The lucrative eternal business The first way: the first way was the one in which the blessing of lifetime is spent as lucrative and eternal business and the second way is the one ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A complete and comprehensive Islam

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A complete and comprehensive Islam

The Infallible Imams say: if you only go after the Holy Quran, or only go after the narrations, you are going astray.  A comprehensive and complete Islam is both the holy Quran and Ahlulbayt.

Professor Ansarian: One of the signs of negligence

Professor Ansarian: One of the signs of negligence

One of the signs of negligence from Allah is the fading of the sweet taste of worship and prayer. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: The first sign of negligence is not feeling the taste and pleasure worships.

Mesbah al-Sharia: 30

Professor Ansarian: the justice of Imam Ali (AS)

Professor Ansarian: the justice of Imam Ali (AS)
The commander of faithful had always been accompanying the justice, it was as if Imam Ali was the justice itself and vice a versa. During his short reign, he practically showed justice in a way that after his martyrdom everybody thought the justice has passed ...

Professor Ansarian: We cannot become a real pious person only with the holy Qur'an

Professor Ansarian: We cannot become a real pious person only with the holy Qur'an

We cannot become a real pious person only with the holy Qur'an! But in this way, we need to use valid and authentic narrations. The holy Qur'an is a divine command, while narrations are also explanations of these divine orders.

Professor Ansarian:The wise man and the fool one

Professor Ansarian:The wise man and the fool one

A wise man always evaluates what he wants to say and he never says a word without first evaluating it carefully, but the fool man is the other way around, and he speaks without thinking and evaluating his words, and his personality is hidden under his words. in other word, the wise man first thinks then speaks, but the fool man is not like this, he first speaks and then regrets about his words.

Spending time in the words of Imam Baqir (AS)

Spending time in the words of Imam Baqir (AS)
Hazrat Baqir peace be upon him says: تَجَهَّزُوا- رَحِمَكُمُ اللَّهُ- فَقَدْ نُودىَ فيكُمْ بِالرَّحيلِ، فَمَا التَّعَرُّجُ عَلَى الدُّنْيا بَعْدَ النِّداءِ فيها بِالرَّحيلِ! تَجَهَّزُوا- رَحِمَكُمُ اللَّهُ- وانْتَقِلُوا بِأفْضَلِ ما بِحَضْرَتِكُمْ مِنَ ...

Spiritual progress.

Spiritual progress.

Professor Ansarian:

The eulogy of Imam Hussein and weeping in his tragedy is one of the best ways of spiritual progress and reaching the spiritual positions. The genuine and true mourning ceremonies and religious gatherings can lead one to the peak of human perfection.

The most important goal

The most important goal

Professor Ansarian: The main goal of holding mourning ceremony is to defend the oppressed and support the innocent. The soul of Imam Hussein’s movement is not congruous with oppressing the human, families and the innocent people.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Knowing God and avoiding sins

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Knowing God and avoiding sins

The one who knows Almighty God, will avoid sins related to his mouth and will not eat an ill-gotten food.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Endurance is required in spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Endurance is required in spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty

The straight path must be continued. Endurance is required in spiritual progress toward Allah Almighty. To get the divine reward, we must stay in the very path.

Professor Hussein Ansarian:O mankind! You deserve so much

Professor Hussein Ansarian:O mankind! You deserve so much

God says in the Holy Quran: O mankind! You deserve so much that I illuminated the transcendental light of guidance in you that no other creature possesses it. You are the khalifatullah (Allah's vicegerent) and the divine dignity.