Saturday 20th of April 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the true believer does not prioritize his will to the will of Allah Almighty

Professor Ansarian: the true believer does not prioritize his will to the will of Allah Almighty
According to public relation and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Hussein Ansarian during his lecture in Aazam mosque in the holy city of Qom talked about grace, mercy and some very important promises that the lord of the universe has for his servant and said: the narrator of this important points is the Hadhrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.)  which can be understood that the sacred ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The path of Imam Hussein (AS) is the path of blessing, intercession, salvation and servitude

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The path of Imam Hussein (AS) is the path of blessing, intercession, salvation and servitude
If we only know Imam Hussein (A.S) we have already known all the divine Prophets and the Infallible Imams, because the center of the circle of knowledge is Imam Hussein (AS). Imam is the full View Qible toward the right path. The one who steps and walks in the path of the Master of the Martyrs (A.S), he will in fact take a shortcut in the path of servitude, because the path of Imam Hussein (AS) is the path of blessing, intercession, salvation ...

O' People Ask me, ask me before you lose me

O' People Ask me, ask me before you lose me
سلونی قبل أَن تَفقِدونی فَاِنّی لا أُساَلُ عَن شئٍ دونَ العَرشِ الّا أخبرتُ عَنهُ. O' People Ask me, ask me before you lose me. By Allah, I have the knowledge of everything from the beginning to the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: we are all required to choose Imam Hussein (AS) as our role-model

Professor Hussein Ansarian: we are all required to choose Imam Hussein (AS) as our role-model

From among his creatures, God chose human being as his supreme creature, and from among them, he made the perfect and pure- natured human as role-models, therefore, we are all required to choose Imam Hussein (AS) as our role-model.

A wonderful Tradition on the authority of Allah over people

A wonderful Tradition on the authority of Allah over people
A wonderful Tradition on the authority of Allah over people Abdul A’la, the freed slave of aal[1] Sam, narrated that he had heard Imam as-Sadiq (s) saying: “On the Day of Resurrection a beautiful woman, who has been deceived by her beauty, will be brought to be tried. She will say, “O my Lord, You have made me so beautiful so that I did so and so.” Then the Blessed Virgin Mary (s) will be brought forward. It will be said (to the ...

 Professor Ansarian: respecting the youths.

 Professor Ansarian: respecting the youths.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Ali Akbar (as) who was the most similar person to the Holy and dignified prophet of Islam,

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Ali Akbar (as) who was the most similar person to the Holy and dignified prophet of Islam,

Hazrat Ali Akbar (as) who was the most similar person to the most perfect role model of humanity, the Holy and dignified prophet of Islam, in terms of moral, behavior and speech, is the most beautiful and the best role model for our dear youth.

he who doesn’t assess himself and his deeds is not our real followers

he who doesn’t assess himself and his deeds is not our real followers
 لیسَ مِنّا مَن لَم یُحاسِبْ نَفسَهُ فی کُلِّ یَومٍ فَإنْ عَمِلَ حَسَناً استَزادَ اللهَ و إنْ عَمِلَ سیّئاً اسْتَغفَرَ اللهَ مِنهُ Imam Musa Al Kazim (as): he who doesn’t assess himself and his deeds is not our real followers, so if has done something good, he has to ask God more of it and if has done something wrong, he has to ask ...

Signs of the Pious

Signs of the Pious
Signs of the Pious Using the Quranic verses and religious traditions, religious authorities consider the following to be signs of the pious: a)Learning enough of the religious sciences necessary for his actions, morality, business deals and relations with family members and the society b)Protecting his body's health by using hygienic measures and observing good etiquette while eating and drinking c)Resorting to one's intellect in daily ...

Professor Ansarian: speaking wisely

Professor Ansarian: speaking wisely

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Devilish attractions

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Devilish attractions

The one who protects himself against Devilish attractions will gain piety, like the Prophet Joseph (A.S) who was apparently the Dear of Egypt, but inwardly he was appointed as a Prophet.

Mourning and tear for Imam Hussein

Mourning and tear for Imam Hussein

Professor Ansarian: mourning and tear for Imam Hussein is the highest asset for the Shias. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “O dear Fatimah! On the Day of Resurrection, all eyes are crying except for the eye that has wept for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS) and that eye is smiling on the Day of Resurrection.

Bihar al-Anwar: 293/44

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence

In spiritual interpretation, Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence, and what all good people and the saints of God Almighty have altogether, he has them on his own. In other words, Imam Hussein (as) is an individual he is plural though.

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?
A vicious circle is a situation in which an attempt to resolve one problem creates new problems that lead back to the original situation. It is also a fallacy in reasoning in which the premise is used to prove the conclusion, and the conclusion used to prove the premise For example, "A" depends on "B" and "B" depends on "A". The conclusion is that "A" depends on "A". It is the circularity in argument or proof.There is no difference among ...

Prof Hussein Ansarian’s Messaage to the Muslims of Yemen

Prof Hussein Ansarian’s Messaage to the Muslims of Yemen
It is more than three hundred years that the Islamic world is dealing with the colonizing wolves who plunder their overflowing mines and kill thousands of men, women and children in cold blood and unfortunately instead of evicting the colonizers and paying attention to their own, the governments of the Islamic regions are slaves and agents of the colonialism helping the process of plundering of nations and killing the innocent. According to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The enemies of the Shias must know...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The enemies of the Shias must know...

The enemies of the Shias must know that by ruining their graves and Shrines of Ahlulbayt (A.S), their love of will grow in our heart and it brings about the fall of Wahhabism and ISIS.

Eighth of month of Shawal: Demolition anniversary of Baqee Graves

Professor Ansarian: weeping for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS)- part two

Professor Ansarian: weeping for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS)- part two
One might say that:” one can easily go to paradise by doing the obligatory deeds (Wajebat) and avoiding the prohibited deeds (Moharramat)”, in response we must say:” the paradise has seven floors, Allah Almighty will place the one who has done obligatory deeds (Wajebat) and avoided the prohibited deeds in the first floors of the paradise, but the one who has added weeping for Imam Hussein peace be upon him to his good deeds ...

What position does Eid Ghorban hold in Islam?

What position does Eid Ghorban hold in Islam?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: calmness is one of the results of quitting sins

Professor Hussein Ansarian: calmness is one of the results of quitting sins

Worship the Lord of the universe and avoid entering the realm of sins. God Almighty has introduced about twelve benefits for abandoning sin that one of which is calmness. The one who doesn't commit sin, and avoid stealing, embezzling and oppressing deserves calmness; but the one who is the other way around has no calmness.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembrance of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembrance of God

"Remembrance of God", "Remembrance of Death" and "Recitation of the holy Qur'an" are three important orders of Imam Hassan Asgari (AS). If these three truths are intertwined with men, it is a unique event, and both worlds will be full of beauty for him.